Thursday, December 8, 2011

"I'm talking to the people who are telling me lies!"

Today Cubebot 3's behavior is growing increasingly strange, as he sits in his chair, drinks coffee after coffee, watches Occupy TV on the computer, and makes noises every few seconds... harrumph, snicker, you racist pig, you lying scum, etc. Finally, I have had enough and I ask, "Are you talking to someone?" Cubebot 3 responds adamantly and points at the screen, "I'm talking to the people who are telling me lies!"

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Birthday (cube edition)

Wendybot brought me some birthday treats. Hurrah!
Happy Birthday to myself!

Monday, November 21, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Cubemas...

Wendybot and I ventured into the forbidden closet today and pulled out the Christmas/Chanukah/Winter holiday decor and promptly vomited it about the cube in a garish display of secular delight (pictured left). I think my favorite piece is the deluxe electric menorah with blue and white flame shaped bulbs from Star-Bright Productions, circa 1986. Merry Holiday! OLE!

Friday, November 18, 2011


Lately I have been spending my time learning new words like diffidence, demur, and desuetude. I have enjoyed learning words so much that I have written them down on index cards and have begun to quiz myself as if I am in my own cube classroom with myself as myself's teacher. Strange, yes, but efficacious, yes. Here are some sentences with some new words.

Cubebot's bald head is so barren and in such a state of disrepair, it has fallen into desuetude.
Wendybot is more reserved and diffident, while Cubebot is bold and confident.
The group wanted to make Sheliah the president of the cube, but she demurred.

If these sentences are in some way wrong, I didn't write them, Sheliah did. That's my disclaimer.

Monday, October 31, 2011

It grows

So my collection of useless crap grows with some empty Hershey's tin can things. They now reside in front of fabric christmas plant on top of the ancient HP Compaq LA1905wg computer tower to the right of Hugs, the G-Humping Wonder-cAt.

Hello 64

Got to work this morning and according to this Galileo-type, liquid, glass encased, decorative, novelty desk thermometer, it is approximately 64 degrees in the cube.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Christmas in the Cube

It may be October... or May or April or any month really, but there's a fake poinsettia plant that says its Christmas in the cube. A really gaudy fake plant Christmas. Merry winter holiday time to you and your brethren.