Last week something infiltrated my
For security purposes and because of his lack of normal human emotion, i will refer to him as
I, never being told anything about anything, was of course again, told nothing to explain said
cubebot's arrival and subsequent squatting.
Cubebot, being a robot, is fully adroit in being perfect at everything, esp. loving authority.
I personally find the last bit so
incredibly off putting. Co-workers pass by my cube more regularly now to make comments such as, "Sheila, isn't it nice to have a friend?" "Oh, isn't it nice to have some help around here!" and, "Isn't he wonderful?!"
Magella (changed name to protect self): "
OMG! LOVES HIM! SHELIA aren't you just like....in LOVE with him!? HE is Like
It's a major problem when someone approaches cube for assistance and I begin to give my standard (and totally 100% no fail correct answer) when i hear a low rumbling "ummmmmmm......ehhhhh.....i think.....
ummmmmmm, " from the bot. It's like he doesn't know what's going on but he just has to get his opinion in.
Doesn't everyone understand that
I have to be the center of attention around cube?
By the way, Cubebot if you read this over my shoulder, I am totally kidding. You are seriously, like so awesome.***Fingers Crossed.